Sonntag, 13. Januar 2013

011/365 - 11. January 2013


Lina baby,

you are not feeling well at present. We think you are teething badly... which means sleep deprivation and countless waking ups, nursing all day and hundreds of times a night instead of eating, crying and whining instead of smiling. We feel so sorry for you because normally you are a sunshine!

Your cheeks are hot, your eyes and your nose are running because of the tears and you are slobbering which you never ever did before... and you hate this. You are wiping your mouth endlessly.

You loved playing together with Eliah. He is such a darling and loves babies a lot. Sweet Max, I think it was a great afternoon for you and you had lots of fun.

Nursing is so soothing for you... and for mama because then I feel how much you are relaxing!

Hope you feel better very soon!

Love you,


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07. November 2016