Montag, 21. Januar 2013

021/365 - 21. January 2013


At present Max prefers journals in the evening instead of  his pillow books. I hope these journals will turn out boring soon...

Kiss my feet

Forgot to take a pic of my babies today. So I found my boy browsing through his magazines and little Lina sitting in the cot kissing her foot... she is too funny!

Love that she loves her doll Anna. She is calling her baby "Nanna" and she is carrying her all day long, wrapping her in blankets, wants her for the night and is grabbing for her when she falls asleep... and she is feeding her with cups and everything she is eating (and Lina is very, very jealous when I show her how to nurse Nanna at my boobs, haha!).

Love you sweet darlings!


2 Kommentare:

  1. Aww such sweeties! And I love your new blog design!

  2. Haha they are so cute!
    Love how Lina gets jealous of your nursing her doll - protective Mama already!!!


07. November 2016