Dienstag, 26. März 2013

084/365 - 25. March 2013

Baby born today

Mama was in the hospital from the morning until afternoon as baby E was born. This precious little princess is such a beauty and the pride of mama and papa (E´s mama is my cousin and most lovely friend!)

Missed you so much today my babies! Being reminiscent about the days I became a mama it was a hard moment too in the birth room! Seems it was yesterday I held my bundles of love in my arms for the very first time... these thoughts will make me teary and happiest at the same time for the rest of my life!

You are my everything... my Max, my Lina!


2 Kommentare:

  1. What a beautiful baby! And a lovely photo of Max. Lina is trying to call Riggs! lol. And I think you need to have another baby ;)

    1. Oh thank you darling... you are right with baby number 3... but I think due to the fact that we are so similar we will become pregnant together, haha!


07. November 2016