Samstag, 9. Februar 2013

031/365 - 31. January 2013


As mama is feeling worse every day and spending the whole day on the sofa or in bed... we forgot about the daily pics. 

But... it´s no real loss as our days are pretty boring at present. Like mentioned... I´m horizontal, my babies entertained by daddy, omi, opi and my mother in law. 

Opi is doing the shopping and preparing breakfast, lunch and dinner... and every snack in between and omi is making my complete household concerning tidying up, doing the laundry or cleaning everything. They all are such awesome helper... I would not know how to manage everything with two toddlers and without my family. I´m simply grateful...

Love you little darlings,


1 Kommentar:

  1. so glad you have such great help while you are suffering! I love the pictures of them sleeping, such sweet little angels!


07. November 2016