Donnerstag, 29. Oktober 2015

221/365 - 09.August 2015


Very cool afternoon with our friends...

220/365 - 08.August 2015

Birthday party!

We love you Oma

217/365 - 05.August 2015


Love you so much

216/365 - 04.August 2015

Happy Birthday granny!

We love you so much for being just you! You are such a wonderful woman and we can learn so much from you! The kids love you back the same and this is oh so wonderful!

212/365 - 31.July 2015

Extended walk...

with my babies and it was so so beautiful! The weather was awesome and the kids were so good! We took snacks, water and sweets in a backpack and went to the local little nature reserve.

Mama and Papa en route in the evening at the city festival! Such a lovely evening just the two of us!

Love you

215/365 - 03.August 2015

Are they cool, or what?

214/365 - 02.August 2015


Such a fun afternoon!

211/365 - 30.July 2015

Writing and crafting 

Wrote letters on simple white stones and let the kids put together the words they like... then they try to draw the letters down and... they write! Pretty simple and it worked! Of course they learned to read the ABC first to search out the right letters...

... and lovely flowers punched and sticked down! Thank you, my love!

209/365 - 28.July 2015

Lego Technic

Just incredible how patient this boy is building those really difficult technical stuff with just no help. He is thinking and trying and talking to himself, explaining it to his sister and finally... one amazingly proud boy when it´s finished!

Love you so my smart boy

Mittwoch, 28. Oktober 2015

207/365 - 26.July 2015

Cable Car


Such a fun day!

206/365 - 25.July 2015

Day with daddy



204/365 - 23.July 2015

Visiting granny



202/365 - 21.July 2015


Love you

200/365 - 19.July 2015


Love you baby

198/365 - 17.July 2015

Happy Birthday Anna!

I love you granny... you have such a good heart and you always show and tell your love for us! And this is one of the most lovable features you have! You love and adore my babies and you are never annoyed by any fuss or mess or anything they do!

"They are so great and awesome... let them be kids!" you say.

197/365 - 16.July 2015




194/365 - 13.July 2015

Play Dooh

I don´t like this stuff a lot but the kids love it. So what can I say... I let them from time to time!



193/365 - 12.July 2015

Nostalgic train

I so have a weakness for repeating pics. I do this with everything... birthdays, Christmas, New Year... every year... the same way. 

Of course... doing this on special days is clear but somehow it evolved that I do it while going by nostalgic train each year, too!

Check out the year 2012, 2013, (2014 is not online) and this year. I simply love those pics!



07. November 2016