Freitag, 5. Oktober 2012

279/366 - 05. October 2012

Oh happy day!

Made a yummy cake with my sweet boy this morning while omi and Lina were playing outside. He was so good at helping me... told me "mmmm... smells good!". Although he was not keen on turning the kitchen helper on or off, he wanted to sit next to me and observe and comment every step... and I had to sing the "baker-song" on and on, ha!

We made the cake for our lovely guest. Mama´s cousin came over to spend some time with the children and of course we had afternoon coffee together. And then she told me the sweetest news lately... oh yes... new baby arriving next April, hooray! Guess who was asked to be the midwife? Proud me :-)

Such a wonderful day... and the best... daddy is back after being three days away for work!

The four of us together again!



2 Kommentare:

  1. Congrats proud midwife! My boy loves helping too. Mostly it is good help, but sometimes he just wants to play in the sink :-)

  2. Congratulations midwife! That is a fantastic gift, ushering in new family. Lovely that Max likes to help so much, too. Enjoy your family being whole again :)


07. November 2016