Samstag, 30. November 2013

299/365 - 26. October 2013

Out and about

... while mama was working once more. I cannot tell you how relieved I am when I know that daddy is caring so much (and taking pics which is pretty on top of my importance list too). You are always en route with him and doing something special. So today´s plan was: let the kids climb onto trees.

Luckily he told me afterwards.

On the top photo is Miss Lina styling herself when we told her we would leave (I came home around midday)... slight preview for the years to come. 
(sorry for the dirty boots)

Offered the kids some opportunities what we could do and they decided to go to Minimundus. So here we are:

It´s really funny how interested they still are although we have been there very often...

Love you babies

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07. November 2016