Dienstag, 3. März 2015

054/365 - 23.February 2015

Skiing Day I

You two were pretty excited to go to the mountains for your first skiing course. The bus left at the kindergarden at 8 o´clock every day this week so we had to hurry up in the morning!

I kissed you Goodbye in the bus and confessed... it was hard to let you go with the others.

I sat in the nearby hut and observed you little lady how much you toiled with your stuff. You were crying too and the only thing I wanted was to run to you and help...

The first real attempts were impressing! We already tried it a bit at home just to show you how to maintain the balance and then... up there... you both were doing excellent!

You were chatting with each other and with new friends and I could not but laugh with myself... too sweet for words!

My boy, you are so awesome! You were not once whining or crying and you did everything the skiing teacher told you to. You loved being there because every time I asked you if you liked it you smiled and said yes (although your face told something else like always, haha!)!

And Lina, you are only three... three! The youngest little one up there and I am proud of you beyond words!

"They are so slippery!" you said desperately! "And heavy?" "Nooo... just slippery!"



1 Kommentar:

  1. These are some wonderful pictures. I was skiing in the dolomites hotels and had some relaxing days.


07. November 2016