Freitag, 19. April 2013

107/365 - 17. April 2013


We had baby E for the whole morning as her mama had an appointment. Both Max and Lina were so totally crazy for her that I couldn´t just let her in the hammock but had to put E in my wrap so she could get her sleep.

Max asked to hold E for a thousand times until I let him... and he was awesome! Held her so carefully and lovingly... I fell in love with him even more. When Lina asked/showed that she wanted to hold "baby, baby, baby..." as well...

Max: "Lina is too little mama...!"
Me: "She is little, yes... but I will take care and Lina will be gentle... you will see!"
Max to Lina: "Please take care, Lina!"

Oh how we love this little bundle...

Love ,


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07. November 2016