Dienstag, 8. Oktober 2013

249/365 - 06. September 2013


Since we discovered a beautiful playground near our home we go there whenever the  kids are
bored at home. This time we invited our friends to come with us. It was a hot afternoon and the kids had a blast.

Lots of other children were there too and they all did kind of foodsharing. Cookies, snacks and bread, raisins and apple slices, millet balls and nuts. It was so fun observing the kids sharing and caring.

You two are moving there so self-confindently that I´m bursting with pride each time I sit still and just look at you. You are both so funny, thoughtful and energetic. 

... so sometimes it´s even hard to keep calm and just let you go and play and explore, ha!

Love you,


1 Kommentar:

  1. Oh yeah, that was such a funny afternoon :-) hugs from auntie


07. November 2016