Sonntag, 17. Februar 2013

046/365 - 15. February 2013

3 years 3 months

Sweet Max,

again... I cannot believe the fact that you are such a big boy already. At present, you are struggling a lot with your own progresses. You are pretty exhausting, you want to be entertained more than usual, you are not very patient with the fits your sister has and sometimes I have the feeling that you are even overwhelmed by everything that is going on in your tirelessly growing brain.

But your cheekiness, your sweet nature and your good heart make me so proud and happy... there are no words to describe how much I love you!

Little Lina... you are quite a challenge for your brother. As you have grown into a little toddler you are now defending your territory and your wishes mightily... what means... you are screaming like hell if necessary or crying heartbreakingly!

Times are gone when Max could take from you what he wanted and when you were too little to protect your stuff. Now you pick up anything (preferably something Max is playing with) and run away until he is freaking out and trying to catch you... I think only mamas with more than one child can imagine the following situation, haha!

You are so funny... of course... sometimes not so funny for mama!

But... I love you with all my heart... always and forever

2 Kommentare:

07. November 2016