Freitag, 4. Januar 2013

004/365 - 04. January 2013


This was definitely not Max´ photo day. When the carolers came in the morning he was so distant and didn´t even want to come near. He was sitting on the sofa and watching them from there. Lina was excited but didn´t want to go close without me... so... unfortunately... in morning dress and with a sleepy face I am on the pic too.

Visit again in the afternoon... 

Just one single pic of Max because on the way there the babies fell asleep in the car and Max slept for over two hours. Miss Lina was entertained by my godchild who is totally crazy for her... so the two girls were playing so lovely together and Lina was enjoying the undivided attention.



4 Kommentare:

  1. Oh how neat that you had carolers all dressed up! What fun! Miss Lina is looking so grown up in that first photo.

  2. Wow! What a fun time it looks like! Really making great memories :)

  3. You're addicted, aren't you!??? Lina looks more grown up than even the last time I stopped by a few days ago. You are still lovely with your sleepy face :)

  4. What precious carolers! I really love the piano picture. I also have a little one that does the same exact thing. You just gave me a picture idea!! :-)


07. November 2016