Dienstag, 22. Januar 2013

022/365 - 22. January 2013


Max has a theater subscription and so we are going there every few weeks. This time it was called "Parole". It was represented by an italian couple who included ten words into a play accompanied by lovely music.

These two funny actors were talking and dancing and jumping and running and throwing kisses... it was just sweet. The children around were laughing out loud and were totally concentrated. First I thought Max would not be able to keep calm for nearly an hour but it turned out uncomplicated. 

At the end of the play all children were allowed to come onto the props and try out all the words sewn as symbols.

I´m happy I bought this subscription for my boy... he is completely thrilled and looking forward to going there again.

Lina was for a walk with daddy in the meantime but came in to join us at the end on the props. She was fascinated at once... definitely going to buy tickets for her too the next season.

Loads of fun together with my babies,


2 Kommentare:

  1. What a great idea! We don't have anything like that here, unfortunately. It looks like they really enjoyed it!

  2. What is a theater subscription? It sounds really cool! I'm not sure if we have those here in Oklahoma. What a great experience for your kids!


07. November 2016