Sonntag, 6. Januar 2013

006/365 - 06. January 2013

Off to Italy

We wanted to enjoy this incredibly warm day in January and so we decided to hop off to the beach. It was a day full of laughter and fun... eating pizza and gelati... sitting in the sun with italian coffe and chocolate... watching Max and Lina stroll around on the pier...

Love you so my babies,

your Mama

4 Kommentare:

  1. Wow, it looks like it was a beautiful and sunny day! I wish I could just go to Italy for the afternoon! ;)

  2. I get those sweet little open mouth kisses too. Love those sugars. :-)

  3. jealous of your gelati! Looks like so much fun :)

  4. beautiful! love the smooching picture, just gorgeous. Nothing better than a big old sloppy kiss from your kiddo!


07. November 2016