Sonntag, 25. November 2012

330/366 - 25. November 2012

Happy birthday, great-grandmother!

Had a lovely and cosy sunday together. Mama made some yummy baked apples and in the late afternoon we were invited to celebrate granny´s 80th birthday. 

Omi suggested to let Max and Lina with her so hubby and I could spend some childfree time together... and have coffee and cake without distraction!

This was a real good idea and time out was indeed very relaxing... fortunately omi told us, being together with the kids was not exhausting at all. They really begin playing together so lovingly. Like this I found them in the morning...

Wonderful weekend again!

Love you all so much,


3 Kommentare:

  1. We are both very lucky have our parents close to us , so that they can help, and take care of the children for some hours....or.... nights....!!!
    I can't imagine what I would do without them...
    The children in that last photo are so calm and peaceful, they have the exact same expression ...

  2. You days always seem so full of family, warmth and love. What a wonderful way to live! Thank you for always sharing so much with us on the blog.

  3. How lucky you are to have family around. And great for the kids to have older people in their life to look up to and learn from. (And babysitting for you. Bonus!)
    Thomas has no father and only two grandparents, but they live far away so rarely sees them. I'm the oldest person in his life!


07. November 2016