Sonntag, 30. September 2012

274/366 - 30. September 2012


Babygirl got a new tooth today. Fortunately without problems...


Max was working hard before bedtime. He screwed and unscrewed tirelessly... 

Love you my babies,

Sleep well

Samstag, 29. September 2012

273/366 - 29. September 2012

An apple a day...

They are sweetest together... 
my two little hungry caterpillars! 
I love you so!

Freitag, 28. September 2012

272/366 - 28. September 2012


Like several times during the year I´m decorating the house new. For spring, easter, birthdays, flowers for the summer, autumn and christmas. Then I´m moving furniture as well... something my husband is not very thrilled of ;-) Nevertheless... I love a newly styled house!

At least... Max and Lina love my foible!



Donnerstag, 27. September 2012

271/366 - 27. September 2012

Caressing the cat

Red car

Wonderful, warm day outside,

I love you!


270/366 - 26. September 201

13 Months

Sweet Lina,

you are changing a lot every single day. You become more and more cheeky and being together with you is so much fun. 
I love seeing you holding, kissing, carrying and feeding your babies. Although you used to play with your brother´s toys, this changed completely since you got your dolls and strollers for your first birthday. Since then you love being a dolls mother. This is endlessly cute!

You still like moving around the whole day... and fortunately you have never been unskilful at all. Eating started becoming really good, you like what we are eating and of course taking the solids on your own. The sleep is bad as always... waking ups through the night from two to ten times are normal. We are still breastfeeding and doing this during the night is definitely your favorite!

There is nothing special that changed during the last month. Oh my! Your birthday was really already one month ago. But your behaviour and comprehension is much more like a little toddler yet. You understand nearly everything we tell you. Asking you for thing, you will bring to us at once. Telling you words, you will try to repeat. Showing you activities, you will try to manage. You love to open and close all different lids, you love to put sticks or tiny stuff into holes, you just adore watching books and listening to stories, you love blocks and you love your dolls!

My wonderful daughter,
you bring happiness and bliss to my life! 
I love you with every beat of my heart! 


You are collecting all vehicles from Disneys "Cars". So every time we go shopping together you are asking for a journal with a new little car... then you are playing with it the next days and not putting it away. You want to watch the movie and see the new car driving around and holding it in your hand. Your face while doing this... sitting in front of the tv... surrounded by the collection... is beyond sweetness.

I love you so so much my wonderful, perfect son!

Dienstag, 25. September 2012

269/366 - 25. September 2012


Both my babies just ... love ... being outside. No matter which weather, wether it is cold or hot, raining or snowing. Playing with the toys inside becomes boring very soon and a few moments later they stand in front of the backdoor... Max demanding and begging... Lina just screaming and knocking on the glass. 

While my darlings were enjoying fresh air and being entertained by opi, mama was cooking yummy dinner and dessert...
Babygirl digged her apple in the mud and ate it then, haha!

Before bedtime Max is allowed to watch tv for some minutes and guess who likes it as well? Look at Miss Linas face and you will know at once...

You lovely babies made this day just perfect! I love you so!


Montag, 24. September 2012

268/366 - 24. September 201

Model trains

Had a great afternoon visiting Austria´s biggest model train exhibition. Built up and decorated lovingly... showing hundreds of cute scenes... trains driving up and down... snowcovered mountains... helicopers and hot air balloons.... Max and Lina could not help but being astonished and entertained all the time!

 Thank you daddy for being en route with us so frequently... 
this is so much fun!

I cannot tell you how much I love these family times together... the four of us!

Love you,


Sonntag, 23. September 2012

267/366 - 23. September 2012

New hat

My little babygirl fell asleep in her pram after going for an extensive walk with omi and opi. Isn´t this the cutest sleeping face ever?

New tractor

Max got a wooden tractor from great-grandmother. Daddy brought it home to Max and the afternoon was saved. Uploading and unloading stones... and driving around. The only problem... Lina wanted to play with it as well :-)

I love you honeybunnies

Samstag, 22. September 2012

266/366 - 22. September 2012


We were invited for Simon´s christening today. This was such a wonderful fall day... the pictures we got are so beautiful... I love the autumnal atmosphere!

Love you so much my babies....

Mittwoch, 19. September 2012

263/366 - 19. September 2012


Inasmuch as the two little ones were not very keen on playing together... I think there come up times now they begin to appreciate their mutual company. Max likes to show Lina this and that and she always loves to observe him.

At present he teaches her to put different shaped blocks into the suitable holes... and... he is very patient... too cute!



Montag, 17. September 2012

261/366 - 17. September 2012


Went for a morning walk with omi... strolling around, feeding deer, having snack and fun!



Sonntag, 16. September 2012

260/366 - 16. September 2012

In the mountains

Max and Lina love being en route. When we stay at home the whole day, here and there situations come up that are really challenging. I´m sure the children need the variety. During our adventures we never ever have any troubles... this is so relaxing!

Spent the day on the mountain on which you get through a cable-stayed railway. This was awesome... a family day with fabulous children!

Miss Lina was the entertainment program... walking around, babbling and shouting...
then she was very, very tired and fell asleep in the sling... but cried a few moments because she was overexcited!

Some time ago we were on a huge playground too and  Max was very cautious. Too restrained to play with the interesting and new things. He refused to use the slide and everything else. But today... he found the playground and played like a real... toddler. No fears... just calling... "Mama, papa... look!". I could eat him, this was so cute!

The view from above was breathtaking... such a height... incredible!



Samstag, 15. September 2012

259/366 - 15. September 2012


Walk through the city this aftenoon... great fun!

It is so cool to go for walks with both children... Lina is a very diligent walker... she is too cute!

Before we started, we had a little snack at the river... 

34 months

Ohhhh... my boy turns 3 in teeny tiny two months! If you want, you can check out the extended post about his current status, too!

Sweet darlings, I´m so in love with you!

Freitag, 14. September 2012

258/366 - 14. September 2012

First autumn walk

Somehow... I love this weather. There is such a fresh air due to the snow on the mountains around us, time starts to calm down, leafs change their colour, we all are rugged up in warm clothes... all becomes comfy and peaceful.

During the hot summer we are no busy walkers at all. We love to stay at home in the evening, the children strolling through the garden, mama and papa sitting on the terrace or playing with them. But when it cools down we love going for walks before bedtime... and this is definitely helpful for the children to fall asleep.

Was such a wonderful time... 



07. November 2016