Samstag, 15. September 2012

259/366 - 15. September 2012


Walk through the city this aftenoon... great fun!

It is so cool to go for walks with both children... Lina is a very diligent walker... she is too cute!

Before we started, we had a little snack at the river... 

34 months

Ohhhh... my boy turns 3 in teeny tiny two months! If you want, you can check out the extended post about his current status, too!

Sweet darlings, I´m so in love with you!

3 Kommentare:

  1. I love the picture of you and Lina.

  2. Lina is so cute, she looks like a very determined walker. And wow! How is Max almost 3? He is growing so fast!

  3. I love Lina's bright orange coat. Seems to match her personality, bright and energetic!


07. November 2016