Dienstag, 11. September 2012

255/366 - 11. September 2012


Max is my big wonderful boy. He is my first baby. He got my undivided attention up to the time my sweet daughter was born. Although he is such a lovingly brother and is doing so great with a little demanding sister... I sometimes feel sorry for him. He has to wait a lot, I have to rant sometimes because he has a twinge of annoyance for Lina and... he can not help but obtain space with elbow. 

Being a sibling is indeed not easy... each of the two has own difficulties and challenges... but that´s how it is. So... some time ago, I decided to spend regular times with Max or Lina... alone!

Today, after Lina had fallen asleep, Max and I went to the shopping mall. Bought new shoes for Max, went for an ice cream, met friends, were in the book store and had... best time together. We are in the fortunate position to live next to the grandparents so I have many possibilities to ask omi or opi to have an ear on Lina while she is sleeping and I can do something with Max. 

In the afternoon we had playtime in the backyard... fun time with Miss Lina...

I am definitely happy about the special time-outs with Max. I think it´s important to have more ones with my big boy. Lina is still too little and anyway... she has tons of time-outs together with mama :-)

I love you so much and seeing you happy, my babies, is the most important thing!

2 Kommentare:

  1. It's really good to have one-on-one time with each child. So nice that you and Max were able to have some time alone together!

  2. That top photo of Max is adorable! I just want to cuddle him. I'm sure it must be very challenging to make sure both kids have mama time. SO happy to hear Max got some special 1:1 time.


07. November 2016