Freitag, 6. Juli 2012

188/366 - 06. July 2012

First hurt

My heart just broke in the morning when my little girl slipped and fell straight onto her little lips. Blood was running and my sweetheart crying like crazy. This was so incredibly sad!
Fortunately she let me comfort her and putting a wet cold towel on the injury!

Lovely Lina, such a luck you didn´t get hurt worse... love you sweetie!


Max loves us to read with him and browse through books. Then he wants us to explain, ask him about pictures, read to him or just sit by his side.

But... now he started to take books on his own, lay down and take a look at them alone!

I love you darling!

3 Kommentare:

  1. They are both just too cute! Poor Lina I'm glad she didn't get hurt worse! It's horrible to see them suffering :(

  2. That's great! We are planning to do that on our children! We love reading! Poor little thing,your baby girl,hope she gets better!

  3. Aw I remember the first time my bubba cut her lip, there was blood everywhere, I was so scared until I realised it was just a graze!

    That's so sweet about your boy starting to read on his own.


07. November 2016