Montag, 16. Juli 2012

197/366 - 15. July 2012

32 Months.... my big little guy

Max is at an incredible stage at present. For mama and papa it´s definitely more than exhausting ;-)

Sleep: bad... bedtime is a fight. Max wants to go to the toilet - several times, wants water, kisses, different cars, hugs, his tractors... there´s always something new he is demanding for!

Food: sometimes he is a good eater, sometimes nothing goes. It gives the impression that Max has not time enough to sit still and eat. But there are days he needs so much I remain impressed!

Play: my boy has energy for two. Jumping, running, screaming, dancing, rolling and so on... everything is loved except being silent and peaceful.

Speech: Max is talking nearly everything... and so many funny things we often have tears in our eyes because of laughter! 

Obedience: not really existing! Unfortunately!

Cuteness: definitely existing! There are no suitable words for somebody who is that gorgeous! 

Lina: the love between them is beyond lovely! The hugs and kisses they are giving each other are making my days!

Sweet babies... your mama is crazy for you! Never ever forget!

2 Kommentare:

  1. I cannot believe how big they have both gotten in just a few months. Max looks more and more grown up every day. (But you probably don't want to hear that!)

  2. My son was fascinated by the fact that they are both in the swing. I know what you are saying about Max, my son has those days. I just wonder if they grow out of that stuff?


07. November 2016