Samstag, 28. Juli 2012

209/366 - 27. July 2012


En route again... visited an old ruin this evening on which birds of prey show air shows. Unfortunately Max was on nap strike again and so he was tired like crazy and hyped.
But... running around wildly while being watched by birds of prey is not the best idea! Ha!

The view from up there is so wonderful!

This little hawk girl was such a beauty. She observed us exactly... and I had to take care that Max didn´t touch her because these birds really don´t like that. My boy was so very fascinated.

I love you my babies!

2 Kommentare:

  1. What a wonderful day out! Wow, that view looks incredible. Look how excited Max is to be seeing that hawk up close. Must have been quite an experience for him.


07. November 2016