Dienstag, 24. Juli 2012

206/366 - 24. July 2012


This place is such a treasure. Fortunately it´s very close to our home and so we go there... not often enough!
Yesterday we had our family shoot there for babygirl´s first birthday on 26th of august. Max was so rapturous about this park... running up and down, there and back. Because we had too little time yesterday to stroll through the garden we decided to go there again this afternoon. 

The pictures we got today are adorable! Both children were enthusiastic and just didn´t want to leave... because we found this little pond out of a thermal source containing goldfish and turtles. The animals were so so cute and we spent there over an hour. 

Check out this evidence of an awesome family time:

I love you Honeybunnies! Was such a beautiful time!

3 Kommentare:

  1. Wow, what an amazing trip!! That looks like such a fun family day out, your babies would have had so much fun!

  2. That is a beautiful spot! I especially love the picture where you are holding Lina and Max and Max is tilting back to look at the camera. Beautiful!

  3. These are very good photos of your lovely family time. Your kids are getting so big and so lovely!!


07. November 2016