Sonntag, 3. Juni 2012

155/366 - 03. June 2012


I had a really stressful sunday because there are so many things to prepare before our summer holidays. We start next saturday... going to Croatia. Daddy is in Greece at present but we are lucky to have omi´s and opi´s support every day.

After our little ones had taken the evening bath together, omi went with Lina and Max could have the bath for himself a while. In the meantime Lina got her pyjama and I did some laundry.

Funny... because omi said how good Max is to spend some time alone in the bath... singing, talking, washing... but check out why he was that busy...

He poured tirelessly water out of the tub and sprinkled it across the room. So... I could wipe the floor and dry the wall tiles too. Happily I wasn´t tired at all ;-) 
Nevertheless I couldn´t say a rough word but had to laugh to myself... fortunately I grabbed my camera at once!

Love from mama

Daddy... this will be such a great time when you are back again... darling, hope you look forward as well to coming back on Tuesday! Love you

2 Kommentare:

  1. Sorry to hear you've had a stressful day! Sure hope tomorrow will be better for you. I love both pictures today, both are priceless. Lina and Omi are just precious. And that picture of Max is very cute...he looks so innocent even with all of the water on the floor. Quiet usually does mean trouble!

  2. Oh dear, what a day you've had!! At least you kept your sense of humor. :) Hope tomorrow is easier for you!


07. November 2016