Freitag, 29. Juni 2012

181/366 - 29. June 2012

New Holland

This is definitely one of Max´ favorite tractor brands. Omi and opi took him to an area where many of agricultural machineries are put up. They were lucky ones because precisely at this time all of them moved to leave. Sweet Max was fascinated and astonished! 

Too cute... wish I could have seen his facial expression and his voice telling "Biiiig... New Holland!"


Lina is back! Fortunately the fever is gone and little babygirl is feeling much better. Even though she was still a bit grumpy and whining today... I think because of the lack of sleep... she looked much better.



3 Kommentare:

  1. I love that you encourage Max's interests, who knows where such encouragement will give him the courage to go!? And I am also so glad Lina is feeling better!

  2. oh wow that is one happy it when something that are so interested in becomes a reality for them...great memories. Glad to hear Lina is back too x

  3. Oh sweety, you look beautiful in your new clothes...i like!! kiss kiss


07. November 2016