Donnerstag, 21. Juni 2012

171/366 - 19. June 2012

Children´s Theatre

It was a spontaneously decision to visit a stage play for little ones from two years up. It had to do with water in some physical states combined with sounds, called "Haaa 2 Ohhh!". It was sort of interactive learning so the children could try everything out and observe exactly. 

Normally Max is restrained and keeping more likely behind than pressing ahead. But this time he was very keen on the play with water so he went out long before the lecturer said the kids could start.
I already recognized my boy had changed a bit... and this showed... indeed he had. Definitely grew more self-confident! Good for him!


In the afternoon we went for some ice-cream. Max was so pleased to get something sweet because we completely cut back the amount of sweets he is allowed to eat. He was asking for candy the whole day and every day for quite a long time now and was every time very disgruntled and upset when we refused.

So he enjoyed this ice-cream a lot! But like he is... didn´t forget to supply his little sister with some goody as well! Best big brother in the world!

Love you... don´t forget!

1 Kommentar:

  1. Oh so cute Max sharing his ice cream with Lina, such a good big brother!


07. November 2016