Montag, 25. Juni 2012

177/366 - 25. June 2012

Chaos Queen

Leave her a few minutes unobserved and she will show you how many things are hidden in baskets and shelves. Lina is already busy when mama and Max are preparing and having breakfast and the carpets are exclusively her areas for a while. Nobody wanting her things or taking her space. Then Lina is playing for a very long time on her own... and I love watching her while she is doing this the way she does!


Max really likes cocoa. Normally he gets tea or just water to his breakfast bread but for some time now he wants cocoa. And very important... he is demanding to drink out of glass.
Like he told me days ago: "No plastic... Max beautiful glass having!"

My children... you both are that funny in your own special way! 
You make me smile and laugh so much! 
Thank you!

2 Kommentare:

  1. beautiful snaps!! youve captured such great moments :)

  2. I love the baby making a mess with the toys - and the milk moustashe! Gorgeous :-)


07. November 2016