Samstag, 8. Dezember 2012

343/366 - 08. December 2012


Morning walk today and visiting great-grandmother... Anna was so very thrilled to meet us and the happiness in her face was heartwarming. Due to the fact that there is really loads of snow outside and she is not able to go for walks at present, we go over to her place more often now because we really love her!

After having yummy dinner with omi and opi we got lovely visitors. Auntie Tini and her family came over and each of the children got a little bag from Santa. Fortunately we could not meet on the 5th... so we did the gifting today!

The children were excited and playing noisily for quite a while... then the fuss increased and we turned on the tv for the Polar Express to arrive... check these little people out... their faces are hilarious!



3 Kommentare:

  1. Sounds like a fun day. I love, love, love that first photo of you and your girl in the snow!

  2. ok,that first photo is just AWESOME - two snow covered little bunnies! I love how rugged up and cosy she is, and just shows how in 'snowy' countries, ppl just get dressed warm and get out there!!! in Australia we probably not even think of venturing outside!

  3. Oh yeah, our babies look too cute, love these pics!!


07. November 2016