Dienstag, 8. Mai 2012

129/366 - 08. May 2012

Leisure activity

Max had a bad day today. Completely impatient, worst mood ever, refused everything and just wanted mama. We didn´t have times like this very often up to now but ... we also are not always shitting rainbows :-)
So to brighten his mood I wanted to employ him. I explained Max how to make a wool ball and he was totally overtaxed. Neither he knew how to hold this extralong wool nor where to put it. Fortunately he didn´t get even more upset. Anyway... it was funny!

Sweet boy... I love you no matter how grumpy you are!


I loved the moment when Miss L. tried to hug and stroke our cat through the window. She didn´t understand why this was not possible. Too cute!

LOVE you honeybunny... you are sweetest!

2 Kommentare:

  1. Oh! So sad that Max had a rough day. I hope tomorrow is better. I think that may be the best arrangement for babies and cats - V wants to mess with the kitties all of the time!

  2. Poor Max! (and mama too, I'm sure it made for a long day). How true, everyday can't be perfect but we love them just the same!

    Oh Miss Lina, you are too funny! The kitty looks happy to participate in the trick :-)


07. November 2016