Mittwoch, 16. Mai 2012

137/366 - 16. May 2012

Two feet

Miss L. straightend herself up today... for the first time... and she started to crawl! Incredibly! This is so cute and awesome to see when your little newborn is suddenly standing on her tiny feet and moving around. While mama, papa and Max were having breakfast Lina was waiting in her playpen and all of a sudden she was on her knees. 

Our next reaction was putting the seat one step down... so she could pull herself up and get on her feet. This was such a quick movement we could not believe. Our girl was so enthusiastic she didn´t want stop practising the whole day. 
Now... in the evening she is standing up like she always knew how this works!

I love my girl that much... no chance to explain how much!

Unfortunately the photo quality is not the best but I had to take the pics very quickly and in addition we have really bad weather today... it´s dark and unfriendly outside!


Max, daddy and opi were working in the basement this afternoon. Every time my boy goes downstairs he wants to have a car, daddy started to assemble when he was a boy. So Max is owning quite a good collection of expensive and rare cars already. Unhappily he is playing with them and some are bad injured yet. 

Today it was the Porsche... let´s see how long he will make it!?

 I love you my little destroyer!

2 Kommentare:

  1. Such amazing moments with our beautiful little people! Miss L is growing up so fast before our very eyes :) I love Max's sweater, so handsome!

  2. I can't believe Lina is standing already! Such a big girl! (I love her dress, too.) You should do a photo tour of your house some time, it always looks so lovely. Boys and cars! I don't tend to think stereotypes are true... but sometimes they just seem to be. Max is lucky to have such a generous opi.


07. November 2016