Sonntag, 27. Mai 2012

148/366 - 27.May 2012

Mess around

Miss L. is able to accomplish the maximum disorder in the shortest time. The ability to crawl and stand up is helpful.

Fortunately this little girl of mine has the best big brother in the world who is a good helper in between times... 



3 Kommentare:

  1. I love Lina's little tongue sticking out! They both are so content to play.

  2. Lina's little rainbow leg warmers are so cute. I am also constantly amazed at how much mess and chaos can be created in such a short amount of time, but such little people! Cute photos of them playing in their space, it looks like they have fun there :)

  3. These photos are so colourful! They look beautiful!


07. November 2016