Mittwoch, 23. Mai 2012

144/366 - 23. May 2012


It´s this face I found in the morning when Lina had to wait in her cot while I was busy and then came back to take her out. She was strolling around in her bed, in between times entertained by her lovely brother bringing her toys and kissing her hands... and patiently waiting to be picked up.

I couldn´t love this little person more even if I tried...

En route with daddy

Mama was away in the afternoon and so papa and Max decided to have some special "men-fun" together. They went to the nearby tractor dealer to take a closer look.
It´s funny... but although tractors are Max´ favs he was still too cautious to step on. 
But today he did it. Took seat and enjoyed it... no more fear! Good boy!

Mama is endlessly proud of your progresses! Love you dear!

4 Kommentare:

  1. On my goodness, I just love that photo of Lina!! That face is sooooo precious!

    Way to go, Max!! Looks like he is having the time of his life.

  2. Lina's bedding is so beautiful! I love her canopy. Max looks like he's having an awesome time! His expression in that first photo is priceless.

  3. cute!!.. love the first picture!

  4. Lina looks like she's saying Out, now, please! And Max is so brave to make noise and take a closer look.


07. November 2016