Samstag, 10. März 2012

070/366 - 10. March 2012


This morning we decided that it would be the right time to settle Miss L. to her own room. Although I love co-sleeping, it´s more relaxing to spend some time of the night sleeping alone. So Lina falls asleep in her own bed, in her own room, on her own and doesn´t wake up when mama and papa go to bed. When she wakes up in the night I´m going to breastfeed her or I take her to our bed... we will see!

I´m curious if her kingdom will make any difference this night...

My daughter has such a beautiful room... I hope she will like it! Only one cupboard and some pictures on the wall are missing. I´m proud of this styling!


In the evening we went out for dinner. I really love going out with my family. My babygirl is playing in her carseat, sometimes breastfeeding, sometimes just cuddling with us... but most of the time she is singing out loud. Today we were lucky... lots of people were sitting at the table next to us and had great fun. So the noise our little cutie made was not disturbing at all :-)

Our sweet Max is content when he has his i-pod. He was also drawing a bit and talking with us. This is already so much fun because his mode of expression is so very funny. Cute darling! Incredible what progress his language made.

I´m so grateful for my children... they simply make me happy and proud! I love you

3 Kommentare:

  1. What a lovely room your little girl has! Something the be very proud of. She looks like she is having fun out with her family too!

  2. I love her bunny shirt! She does have a lovely room. (I cannot get V to go to sleep on her own though...) Hope you had a fun evening out!

  3. Lina's room is beautiful! I love it, you should be proud! I love going out with my family too, it's so nice :)


07. November 2016