Samstag, 24. März 2012

084/366 - 24. March 2012

Morning stroll

We all had a wonderful morning together. Decided not to go into the garden but to drive to a near nature park. 
Max was totally enthusiastic to be able to run wherever he wanted to. No cars, no dangers... just a few biker. It´s a very quaint place there. Lots of birds, bugs, ants and other crawlies. My boy was amazed... always with his look on the ground. No whining, not being demanding at all... only strolling, looking and telling his stories!
Oh how I adore this boy of mine!

Lina was at first sleeping so good... afterwards some sweet photos and then snuggling into the sling to drink. Best daughter in whole world... love you so my baby!

I think I don´t have to tell a great story but just to share our lovliest shots here. Let´s see!

4 Kommentare:

  1. You look sooo beautiful in your new cloth, I like!!! kiss and hugs

  2. What a beautiful collection of photos today and so lovely to see all of the family. Hope you had a lovely time out exploring. Your children are so sweet and have beautiful smiles. Wonderful photos. Thank you for sharing.

  3. I just love, love, love this series! It honestly looks like it could win a "Most wonderous morning" contest :) And the nursing in the sling picture is the sweetest.


07. November 2016