Samstag, 17. März 2012

077/366 - 17. March 2012

Garden in the mall

There was another appointment at the hairdresser´s for our Maxi today. He is even looking forward to going there because he is only waiting for the sweets Veronika gives him after cutting. 

You got such a beautiful hairdo... trying to get a lovely photo from your style tomorrow!

Afterwards we strolled through the mall, some easter shopping and enjoying the so lovely flower exhibition. The kids liked it a lot and Max didn´t want to move on... so...  no more shopping...

I love being on the move with my kids... they really enjoy it and it´s a bit a change in our everyday´s life... additionally my babies are so good :-)

You both just make me smile, all my love to you,


4 Kommentare:

  1. Your little ones are so sweet. And I'm very impressed with your mall with a bird house! Looks lovely (and I'm generally not a huge fan of the mall!). Thanks for stopping by over at my site and leaving such kind words. Hugs from unknown us to you :) Also, is this German I'm reading? Forgive me if I've guessed totally wrong!

    1. Ha! Yes you are totally right... it´s German. But I´m from Austria, not Germany!
      Had a closer look at your side and I´m very impressed... to me you are wonderful... and your daughter adorable!

  2. Oh, how much I love these pics very much. I can say this bec. I know my little ones in real life and so it's even easier to comment these photos. I'm so proud of you the way you educate your kids. They are more than wonderful. I'm gonna create a new word for this. R I love you and wonna tell you just go on like this, it's the right way. Your loving mum

  3. Hi babe, was another nice day at the mall - this time with Omi Irmy at our side. Love you all, Martin


07. November 2016