Sonntag, 12. Februar 2012

043/366 - 12. February 2012

Bedtime stories

When my Max was a little baby, Martin and me took him to bed together nearly every day. We bathed and cultivated him, had cuddle time together and then I breastfeeded him until he fell asleep during drinking. 

Today - with our increased family - Martin goes with our boy and mama with Lina after the siblings took their bath together.

It´s such a delight watching my two men doing the evening care every single day and how they became a real good team. Most of all Max enjoys the book time. He wants to decide which story to hear and then he snuggles in bed with daddy and during listening to papa´s voice he becomes calm and tired.

At present they read a book about building a tower. My boy has every word completely on his mind and shows with his hands what´s coming next. It´s too cute to see! Daddy does a perfect job... is spending so much time with him. Max adores him!
I´m sure this will be one of my favorite memories... Max and daddy reading the bedtimestory!
I love you!

In the meantime mama is feeding Lina. Miss L. does heavily close her eyes while breastfeeding. She is such a curious little girl. So she is drinking until feeling not hungry any more and then she wants to go to bed.

Sometimes I lay her down in the crib, she is babbling for a while and falls asleep on her own. Sometimes she wants to cuddle, mama or daddy singing songs and dancing for a while. I kiss you my princess!

A blessing for me to realize that my children feel so great and fall asleep without tears!

4 Kommentare:

  1. It's so great that Daddy and Max have an evening routine together. Those are things that he will remember as he gets older!

    1. Indeed... a good base for a good relationship between them! I love the love they have!


07. November 2016