Freitag, 3. August 2012

216/366 - 03. August 2012

Sweet helper

Lina joined me this morning while doing the laundry and her look into the washing machine was so cute. She stood there saying "dada" the whole time and poining the flinging clothes with her little finger.

On the one hand it will be great when there come times she will support be with my daily work but on the other hand she will be grown up then... so... I Do Not Want This!

Pleeease... stay my little babygirl forever! Please!

Max was helping daddy... like always... cutting the lawn. It´s crazy how thrilled our boy is when papa announces to go mowing! Funny!

Check out his cute cheeks doing engine noises, haha!

In the evening I got a sweet shot of opi and Miss Lina cuddling...

I love my babies... ohhh yes, I do!

2 Kommentare:

  1. I agree, I wish my baby girl would stay small too! It's sometimes very hard to watch them grow up. Max looks so cute with his little mower. My son used to do that too when his daddy mowed.

  2. It's so hard. I look army girls and I want to freeze time too. But we are raising smart savvy children who should be unleashed on the world. They are our next leaders, inventors and careers and as much Ias I want to squid gee their cheeks forever we can't deny the world of their greatness. Or so I keep telling myself every single day as I too wish time stood still...


07. November 2016