Mittwoch, 15. August 2012

227/366 - 14. August 2012


I read something this morning which made me think about me and my nature... something like... "Enjoy the doing more than the has to be done!"

It´s really hard to enjoy every moment when there are hard and long days with two little ones and lots of things to handle... dressing, cooking, washing, playing, cleaning, tidying up and so on.

But after I read these lines and spent time with my sweeties in the garden it was so easy... observing Max while he was astonished by a tractor working on the nearby field, observing little Lina while trying to drink out of the waterhose, playing with them in the sandpit, having snack together... I didn´t think about what had to come next and this was relaxing. And confessed... we had a calm day. 

This is definitely something I now have to bring to my mind as often as possible... especially when I´m stressed because of the naptime, preparing food, taking them to the bathroom, evening care, bedtime, playing...

At some time... when I will look back... I want to remember Max cuddling with me and taking my face into his hands before falling asleep... and not that I was stressed because he would come out five times before he finally could sleep. I want to remember Lina pushing the mash out of her mouth and making the sweetest face ever... and not that I was stressed about her food refusal and dirty clothes. I want to remember Max having so much fun in the bath tub and washing his garbage truck... and not that I was stressed about the wet floor. I want to remember my children playing noisily and wildly in the living room, laughing and giggling and not that I was stressed because of the fuss they made.

It´s important... the most important thing I learned and became aware of the last time!

I love you so much Max and Lina... I want to keep every single tiny detail in my mind. I don´t want to forget anything and though I don´t want to be too busy documenting both your lives and forget to enjoy you being yourselves!

All my love to you,


2 Kommentare:

  1. I find that a challenging part of this project too. Sometimes I feel like I'm busy trying to take pictures instead of enjoying the day. But then I think about next year and not taking pictures, and that makes me sad, too! I will keep struggling to find that balance (and try not to be stressed out, either.)
    Thank you for your kind reminders to cherish these fleeting moments!

  2. Oh I so know what you mean, you described it so well. So often I am getting frustrated by things, but then I look at photos of her when she was littler, and I know that when I look back on now, I will just miss her at this age and not remember the silly things that frustrated me. It's so hard to just see that and enjoy it NOW rather than always only enjoying things in nostalgia... if you know what I mean.


07. November 2016