Mittwoch, 8. August 2012

220/366 - 07. August 2012

Evening walk

Went out with the children in the late afternoon to let Max run around to become tired and to let Lina improve her walking abilities. 
It was relaxing and a wonderful change of scenery.

I love you both so much and everything experienced together with you is more beautiful...

3 Kommentare:

  1. I love the pictures as usual and love how you edited them, they look so vintage and happy!

  2. I love the light in both of these pictures, but especially in the one with Lina. Isn't it amazing how just going outside at a different time of day will change how a photo looks so much? I hope they both slept well for you after all of your fun afternoon activities.

  3. I love the trees in the second photo. Looks like a great place to relax. My little boy loves to run too. We try to let him run till he is tired, but it seems it never works. He just keeps going and going and going!


07. November 2016