Freitag, 24. August 2012

237/366 - 24. August 2012

Birthday preparations

Max helped builing up a children´s bench. He was so busy with screwdriver and allen key... sitting on the terrace in the heat... no whining... just working... You are too cute, my sweet Max!


Lina loves to sit in her highchair and eat independently. When I try to feed her, she pushes everything out straightly... just before she knew what I gave her. So I started to put everything in front of her. Lina looks at the solids and then she starts to eat... enthusiastically!

I love you sweeties!

2 Kommentare:

  1. Beautiful! I just love that picture of Max working so hard!

  2. Love that pic of your little builder! And my bubba is like Lina - she loves feeding herself!


07. November 2016