Is it really 8 months?
Miss L. is eight months today. The progresses she made within the last months are amazing. Here are the most remarkable ones:
Lina is now moving around like crazy and constantly spinning in a circle. I´m sure she is going to straighten herself up the next weeks too. When we have her in our hands it is more and more difficult to hold her. Missy is pushing herself away and tirelessly jumping around. Nevertheless she is still very patiently waiting and playing in her playpen while mama is too busy to take care.
In addition Lina is able to sit pretty good... although we have still to be careful that she doesn´t get hurt in case of tilting.
So because the sitting abilities improved that much we decided to build up her own chair. From now on Miss L. has her own place at the table!
Lina is able to reach her toys on her own and for that she is stretching back and making a bridge if necessary. The favorite toys did not really change... but she has a new book with animals to touch which she likes a lot... for eating as well. Therefore it´s not pretty any more.
Due to the fact that my girl is struggling with her upper teeth she has a bad sleep at present. Of course it´s not sure if teething and bad sleep are related but for me it´s easier to think she is feeling bad than she just wants me to come to her room hundreds of times. So Lina gets homeopathy and a special herb oil for her cheeks.
Furthermore I think she became mama addicted. Having me around her and Lina is relaxed. But it´s better not to go out of her sight. I think this could be a reason why she definitely refuses to sleep alone.
In the evening - after nursing - I put her back in the crib and she sleeps on. During the night I go to her room for nursing but most of the time I take her to our bed and we co-sleep and breastfeed through the night. Sometimes I´m not sure what´s the more exhausting variant. Running around at night or having this fidgeting girl beside me?
The habits change so quickly... so let´s see what comes next!
We tried to start with mash when Lina was about 6 months old. This ended up frustrating... for both of us. Only refusing or gulping...
So a long break followed and I gave her something to try only every few days. At present eating is much more easy and she learns to like it.
My daughter becomes cuter every day... did not think that this is possible!
I love you honey... let´s check your growth and development at nine months!
We had lovely visitors in the morning. I called auntie Tini and asked her to stop by with her two boys.
It was a relaxing time because the weather was warm enough for the children to play outside. Max and Paul played together in the sand, were running around... sometimes a bit vigorously too... but so lovely!
Fortunately we have several vehicles otherwise problems would arise.
Sweet Max, you are such a cutie... spending time outside with you is so wonderful because I can definitely discover so much joy in your face!