Montag, 23. April 2012

114/366 - 23. April 2012

Birthday party

We had a wonderful and relaxing afternoon at Paul´s third birthday party. Paul is my very best girlfriend´s son and Max´ friend. We all spent a lot of time together... unhappily not very much at present... I´m sure the time we meet for having cups of coffee will return.

All in all... it was great fun and we enjoyed meeting again! Thank you my lovely friends for this time! 

Yummy, yummy cake
The four of us

Isn´t this one of the cutest nursing pics?
My beautiful, wonderful son
I adore you my babies!
My auntie, I like you so much... you are lovely! You did a great job today!

3 Kommentare:

  1. Oh! It looks like such a happy day, with all of those smiling faces.

  2. I love love love your pictures today...that is the sweetest nursing picture ever! So beautiful :)

  3. Thank you my dear for the wonderful words!! It was realy a great afternoon, I like. Ly auntie


07. November 2016