Freitag, 13. April 2012

104/366 - 13. April 2012

In the morning...

Max went for a walk with opi... visiting the excavators and trucks working near our home. They were on the move for nearly two hours and my boy was so very tired that he fell asleep at once. 

By the way: opi was instructed to take photos and he did a good job! Thank you!

Going to bed for the nap is a bit problematic at present... two days he is sleeping then two days not. When he is toiling with the sleep he is reading books in bed, demanding for water, driving his cars or just self-talking... after an hour he starts to call for mama! 

Max... even when time with you is strenuous... it´s the most wonderful time I could have!

While mama was ordering pictures online omi was playing with Miss L. joined by Lilli. Lina is allowed to touch the little dog... very special because Lilli has no preference for kids. She is growling then or running away.

In the afternoon...

we all went shopping together. A new mall opened in our city and of course we had to investigate the fresh shops and stuff. 
A really lovely toy´s store opened there too... and both children liked it at once.

Max could not believe how many tractors, cars and books they had...

.... and Lina had a closer look at the dolls!

My daughter... fortunately she has an affection for girl´s stuff ;-) 

I love you adorable sweetheart!

3 Kommentare:

  1. Beautiful pictures, as always! I've missed getting a glimpse into your lovely life.

    It's it funny how boys are drawn to trucks,tractors, etc and girls to dolls, etc? My Silas loves all types of vehicles, especially big trucks, buses and airplanes.

  2. Lovely photos today, boy with trucks and girl with dog and doll. I think they show so much about each child. Good stories.

  3. They are both just too cute! My little dog is the same way with kids, I hope he does better with my own son!


07. November 2016