Donnerstag, 12. April 2012

103/366 - 12. April 2012

New perspectives

Miss Lina is so much trying to get moving. She is busily practising to reach distant things.... and when achieved she is so happy and has a wide smile on her face.


In the morning Max is cleaning his teeth alone but in the evening mama or papa take it over. Sometimes he is really grumpy about this.
This evening we let him alone... just helped... and he did a great job...

Good boy, you are becoming more and more independent and learning so fast! I love you

2 Kommentare:

  1. Lina will be moving in no time! V looked like that about 2 days before she took off around the house ;)
    That is a great picture of Max, too, so wide eyed.

  2. Lina is getting so strong! Too cute. And Max's expression is too sweet :)


07. November 2016