Dienstag, 10. April 2012

101/366 - 10. April 2012

Peace has returned

After the variety of the easter days it´s good to have some silence back. Max spent the morning in the garden with mama, omi and opi. He was watering the flowers, moving his loved lawn mower, his bike... and just enjoying the tranquility.

No troubles today... although he didn´t have time for a nap ;-)

Such a good boy, my son... love you honeybunny!

In the afternoon we visited great-grandmother... mama´s auntie from Italy was there too. Max was playing in the garden and just strolling around.
Miss Lina was sleeping in her pram and afterwards she had such a good mood. She smiled at everbody... such a sweet darling!

I love you Lina!

1 Kommentar:

  1. Look at Lina standing up, so big and tall! Max and his garden :) Such a relationship! (His sweater is great!)


07. November 2016