Montag, 9. April 2012

100/366 - 09. April 2012

Easter holidays are over

Our friends and their children were our visitors for easter monday. It was a really exhaustig afternoon... babies crawling and toddlers running through the house, playing, messing around, eating, crying and laughing.

So the problem is... when there are some kids at the same age together, problems are not far. My boy is used to play on his own and is all in all a very quiet character. He knows what he is allowed to do and what not and so we never have coarser disputes.

Sure... sometimes he is crying or shouting as well but indeed not often. But together with his friends he is more restless than usual. Then he is more crying and less patient. 

I hope this is going to change a bit because I really feel sorry for him. It´s not the best feature to be solitary. Max is very tolerant and generous... so things taken from him he is not fetching back. Nevertheless he is sad about it and crying. 

In addition he is never annoying other children and always treating them very carefully. Rolling around with them or acting wildly is not his nature... he is more likely afraid of it.

In reference to this I really don´t know how this is going to be when he will be together with many other children in playschool. On the one hand I want him to become a bit more rough but on the other hand I especially love these traits and don´t want him to change anything!

Anyhow or exactly because of this I´m sure he is going to become a tender, lovingly, quiet and good boy and man.

I´m so proud of you Max... you are peerless! 

Miss Lina... through all this chaotic afternoon you were some time resting in your pram and some time rolling around the floor observing the children running and playing.

Fortunately you didn´t cry... the stranger anxiety is over. Even though you want mama or papa in sight other people may take you as well.

Lovely girl, you are such a beauty and such a good daughter...
 I love everything about you!

Yesterday I promised to post a picture of all the presents the children got through the days... incredible!

3 Kommentare:

  1. Wow - looks like they were very lucky children indeed. Your children are beautiful. x

  2. I have a tender boy too- as he gets older, (he is now 3) he is becoming more outgoing and has started chatting to, and enjoying playing with other kids of a similar nature:)

    It looks like you had a lovely Easter!

  3. My son has always been the quieter of the two, he likes to observe carefully before entering in with other children, and sometimes chooses to play on his own even if there are other children around. I figure he is just more cautious. The world needs men who are cautious, as well as the adventurous ones, so I nurture him as he is.


07. November 2016