Samstag, 14. April 2012

105/366 - 14. April 2012

Enjoyable afternoon

The four of us had a nice afternoon visiting friends of us. The children were good as always. Mama and papa could spend time talking and having coffee and cake. Max was busily playing with a wooden toolbox... striking nails into it, screwing and unscrewing. I´m sure there was over an hour he was employed.

Miss Lina was practising her sitting abilities....

 ... and standing too. The main thing is she has not to lie... except on all fours.

Max discovered a piano and really liked to play. Hope he will be interested in learning it soon!?

 Such a great time we spent together... love you endlessly my babies!

2 Kommentare:

  1. I love Max's suspenders!
    Lina is doing so well standing. V has decided that she wants nothing to do with standing now that she can move around on her own.

    You really do have such lovely children :)

  2. I love the first picture the most...a little builder in the making. To me, his face says...hurry up and take the picture...I have these things to bang!


07. November 2016