Freitag, 13. Januar 2012

013/366 - 13. January 2012

Our babies get new styled rooms!

Some time ago we decided to renew the children´s rooms. Before we became parents we painted the rooms in neutrally colours - yellow and green! We will keep Maxis paradise in yellow! It´s a wonderful shiny room and now greatly decorated! He got a new shelf and his bed will be transformed from babybed to a toddler-bed :-)
But because of the fact that we were so lucky to get a sweet princess then, there has to be a "funky-stylish-glamorous-princessstyle-pink-girlie" room! Oooh....yes!!!

So today... we went shopping! Nevertheless some art of persuasion was necessary to move my husband into the big, big furniture house. We bought really awesome stuff! The kids were endlessy relaxed and so were we! 

I think because of the eased day I had the motivation to take pictures this late evening! I exceeded myself photoshooting today! Have got really tons of great, great pics from our nice day together! But I decided not to take the beautiful portraits and stylish poses but instead of this some to tell a little story! So... my prefered ones:

Look daddy, there is a new shelf in it! Bring me the drill press and let´s build it up! He took some wooden piece to show that he wanted to help screwing. He has such a blooming imagination! I love it! Just to tell: he actually had to sleep for over two hours - no sign of tiredness!

Mama and little Miss L. joined them! Lina was very tired but even my babygirl had endlessly perfect mood today! I bathed and breastfeeded her then and she fell asleep within minutes! 

Happy mama!

 Endless love

4 Kommentare:

  1. Gorgeous post Maxie! Ruby has just moved into her own room and I really want to go shopping to decorate it girlie style too!!!
    Your English is thouroughy charming and VERY good. Bist du deutsch?

    1. Oh yes was great to do! Was a little bit like I bought this stuff for myself ;-)
      Thank you for your nice compliment! I try to improve my english because it´s very simple like I´m writing!
      Ja, ich spreche deutsch. Ich bin aber aus Österreich und nicht aus Deutschland! Sprichst du auch deutsch? Liebe Grüsse, nice regards

  2. Sounds like a wonderful day, and a fun project!

  3. Was great fun indeed! I´m going to post pictures when project is finished :-)


07. November 2016