Sonntag, 15. Januar 2012

015/366 - 15. January 2012

Great Sunday!

In the morning we went for our sunday walk.
My sweet Maxi, 
you don´t want to sit in your buggy anymore. You are able to walk really far without being carried! The most important thing is, to go to your favorite places: to the horse ouple, the stable, check the tractor, searching for cats, dogs or other animals and so on.
While walking through the fields you discovered a very large frozen water-plate. You wanted to run and slide over this place. After stepping on the ice suddenly your feet slipped away... fortunately you didn´t hurt!  Then you were fine to give mama your hand!
It´s incredible to watch you developing into an independent little person. You make your way and when your parents move too far you follow without being told. You watch bugs crawling around, leaves moving in the wind, you comment how much cow muck is stinking... fascinating to observe children observing the little things!

My cute girl was sleeping nearly all the time. When her baby buggy is moving her eyes slam shut. The only thing to see when you take a look into buggy are her cute eyelashes!
Sweet Max and Lina, it´s such a pleasure to spend time with you! You make me smile whenever I look at you! I love your relaxed characters so much! 

Perfect day with perfect sweeties!

2 Kommentare:

  1. You have a beautiful family. Your little guyt is enjoying that smooch and it looks like sweet Lina is so comfy all snug in her buggy.


07. November 2016