Samstag, 14. Januar 2012

014/366 - 14. January 2012

Sleeping beauties! 

Was no relaxing day for my babies this day! Went shopping whole morning, then picked up omi from the airport, had a very short rest on midday and in the afternoon we visited nice friends with other friends to welcome their sweet babyboy Simon! Stayed there too long. But all children were playing great together and so we had at least a comfortable evening!

So my cuties were sleeping in the car while driving home :-)

I love you babies! You always make my day!

4 Kommentare:

  1. Hi baby, like always lovely words & pictures of our diamonds! LY, Martin

  2. Hi I'm Renee and coming over to comment from the Facebook group :) Always nice to see photos of other;'s cute children, my girls are 2.5 and 4.5 and also nap in the car (in fact one of the only times I CAN get them to nap). What is your other language? My husband is Dutch and we have "oma" and "opa" staying with us at the moment from Holland.

  3. Ah - a nice, peaceful drive home then. I'm always jealous of people whose children sleep in the car as my little fella rarely does. They look so serene.

  4. Wow...I wish both my kids slept in the car at the same time. Beautiful children.


07. November 2016